Call for Pitches: Words of Mouth anthology on searching for work
Deadline: March 1st 2025 (11:59pm ET)
Words of Mouth, founded in 2016, is a free weekly newsletter sharing opportunities for professional and creative development across design, the arts, education, information, and the built environment. True to its name, WoM has built a loyal readership of over 60,000 thanks to word-of-mouth endorsements, becoming a cherished resource for those seeking a more human and hopeful way to look for creative work.
January 2026 will mark 10 years of the newsletter. To honor the occasion, we’re putting together a book that explores the activity of looking for work through essays, interviews, and other text-based or visual ruminations. Additionally, newsletter readers will be prompted to respond to questions inspired by select pieces, and their responses will appear threaded throughout the book. It’s our hope that this conversation between people who seek, have, and give jobs will be the first of many inspired by the anthology.
Everybody looks for work, and many of us have been doing so for most of our lives. This “search work” can be all-consuming, or it can hum in the background for years. It can be thrilling—spurring vivid fantasies and the manic drafting of cover letters in the small hours of the night. Or, draining and demoralizing—a long shout into the abyss. How we experience search work depends on so many things: where and when we live, our social networks, the free time and energy at our disposal, the technologies available to us and our literacy with them.
But search work is more than just the practical act of seeking a better title or more money—it is also a search for purpose, safety, belonging, validity, a new life and personhood. The discourse tied to this work—often relegated to LinkedIn posts—fails to reflect these high-stakes and deeply personal aims.
Within this collection, we will treat looking for work as a topic worth talking about and turning over. To that end, we invite contributions that draw out the rich psychological, social, cultural, and political dimensions of search work.
Pieces might explore, for example:
These might take the form of:
You do not need any particular background or experience to submit. Chosen contributors will meet briefly with an editor to discuss their concept before composing and sharing a draft, then work on revisions collaboratively with the editor. All contributors will be compensated $350.
If you’d like to contribute on a smaller scale: We will send question prompts inspired by the in-progress works in Summer 2025. These will be open to anyone; all responses will be included in the book and respondents will be credited.
Please use the submission form to submit your pitch by March 1st, 2025. We’ll be in touch by April 1st. Please reach out to Rachel Meade Smith at rachel@wordsofmouth with any questions.
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